Please, introduce yourself in several words…
My name is Nabil Gad. I am a German
and Bulgarian tour guide, I live in Alexandria. I’m married and I have three
Моля, представи се накратко...
Казвам се Набил Гад, и съм екскурзовод на немски и български език. Живея в Александрия, Египет, женен съм и имам три деца.
What was the best period in your life so far?
Той бе, когато започнах да работя като екскурзовод на немски език през 1999-та, защото наистина много обичам своята работа.
And what is the most difficult thing you have experienced?
The most
difficult things I had are the death of my father when I was eleven years old, the
death of my sister when I was 17 and the death of my brother because of cancer
about 11 years ago.
What do you believe in?
I believe in God
В какво вярваш?
В Бог.
Do you believe in people?
I love and believe in myself and I love people in general.
I have a lot to do that's why I don't have time to waste in troubles or
problems with others.
What are you hoping for?
I hope only to live my life in peace.
Is there something important that you don't have enough time for?
When I want to achieve important thing I give myself enough time to do it
and I don't allow to anything to stop me.
Do you regret anything in the past?
I don't regret anything in the past because I’m in peace with my past and
present time.
Is forgiveness important in your life?
I don't like to have enemies in general that's why I prefer to forgive.
Не обичам да имам врагове, по принцип, и затова предпочитам да прощавам.
Do you live more in the past, in the present or in the future in your
I take from past the lessons, enjoy my present as much as possible and I think only positive about the future.
Повече в миналото, в настоящето или в бъдещето живееш, в мислите си?
Взимам от миналото уроците, радвам се на настоящето, колкото може повече, и мисля само положително за бъдещето.
Do you like the time that we’re living in?
I like the time that we live in because as long as my small family, big
family (my relatives) and close friends are fine – then I am fine also.
Харесваш ли времето, в което живеем?
Да, защото - докато моето малко и по-голямо семейство, и близките ми приятели са добре - аз също съм добре.
Is there a trip
that you cherish the most?
My favourite trip is visiting Bulgaria one day.
Има ли пътуване, на което държиш много?
Да, мечтаното ми пътуване е до България, един ден.
Do you love Life? What does it mean to you now? Describe it in three
I love life for sure. I call it journey and I decided to enjoy it. Life is Inner Peace.
Обичаш ли Живота? Какво е той за теб сега? Опиши го с три думи...
Обичам живота със сигурност. Наричам го пътуване и реших да му се насладя. Животът е Вътрешен Мир.
Which are the most beautiful views for you?
The most beautiful views for me are the sea and the green places.
Where do you feel best, like "at home"?
I feel at home when I sit with my close friends.
What gives you strength to move forward in difficult times?
I live through Positivity and Hope and they are the sources of my Strength.
Which people have given you the greatest support?
My family and my close friends are my support.
Do you want to change something in yourself?
I am satisfied with myself, that's why I don't want to change.
Доволен съм от себе си и затова не искам да се променям.
Are you afraid of death? Do you believe in Life After death?
I am not afraid of death because I believe that one day we leave. We are just travellers through short amazing Journey. I believe in life after death.
What makes you feel alive?
The presence of my family, my close friends and enjoying my journey makes
me feel alive.
Какво те кара да се чувстваш жив?
Присъствието на моето семейство и моите близки приятели, както и наслаждаването на моето пътуване.
What is the good thing someone did for you that you will not forget?
I will never forget a
Bulgarian lady who sent to me Bulgarian books at the beginning of learning
Bulgarian language.
Кое е доброто, което някой е сторил за теб и няма да забравиш?
Няма никога да забравя една дама от България, която ми изпрати книги на български език, когато започвах да го уча.
If you could hug someone that you can't - who would it be?
If I could hug someone who I
can't – it would be my father who died when I was just 11 years old. It was
very very early for me to lose big amount of his kindness and warmth.
Ако можеш да прегърнеш някого, когото не можеш сега - кой би бил това?
Бих прегърнал баща си, който почина, когато бях едва на 11 години. Бе твърде, твърде рано за мен да загубя неговата топлота и неговото мило отношение.
Do you have inner peace?
Yes, I have
Inner Peace
Имаш ли вътрешен мир?
Да, имам.
What is happiness for you?
When I, my family, close friends and beloved ones are fine and healthy – this
means Happiness for me.
Describe a perfect day...
A perfect day for me means spending the whole day enjoying the beauty of
Какъв е един съвършен ден, според теб?
What advice would you give, based on your life experience, to a child or to other people in general?
My advice for others is to love life, ignore all negative things or negative people, be satisfied with what you have in your hands, forgive always and never waste your time in hating or envying others to move on.
Какъв съвет би дал на едно дете или на другите хора въобще?
Моят съвет към другите е да обичат живота, да не обръщат внимание на негативните неща и хора, да са доволни от това, което имат, винаги да прощават и никога да не хабят времето си в омраза или завист, за да продължават напред.
Is there a question that you are afraid of?
I am not afraid of any questions.
Не се боя от никакви въпроси.
What can make you cry?
I am a sensitive person. I cry when I lose member of my family or close
friends, when I see people who I know or I don't know suffering or even a sad
scene in a film but also, at the same time, I can face hard times.
What can make you smile?
Sitting with my family makes me smile, sitting with my close friends makes me smile, enjoying my work, especially with my Bulgarian groups, makes me smile and even simple things make me smile.
If you imagine your life as a puzzle, at what level is it fulfilled? Are there any pieces missing to make it whole and complete?
My puzzle is complete because I’m satisfied with my past and my present, and I
live with hope for wonderful Tomorrow.
What do you value most in your life?
I value so much my family and close friends.
Най-много ценя семейството и приятелите си.
What do you feel most grateful for?
I’m grateful for everything that I have in my hands; grateful for all the gifts which I have.
За какво чувстваш най-голяма благодарност?
Благодарен съм за всичко, което имам в живота си, за всички дарове, които съм получил.
ОтговорИзтриванеБлагодаря ти!